15 Minutes of (Science) Fame
I’ve had the privilege to receive some recognition for my work.
Harrington Lab, Cornell University, Publication
We’ve got a great publication that came out in the Journal of Insect Physiology! It focuses on the effect of seminal fluid proteins on female mosquito survival. This paper represents multiple years worth of work and will help in biocontrol and transgenic mosquito release strategies.
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Fellowship Announcement
Thanks to the support of my Postdoctoral Co-PIs, Mariana Wolfner and Laura Harrington, I was awarded from the National Institute of Heath a training grant in Reproductive Sciences and Genomics. As a Postdoctoral Fellow I received training on integrating CRISPR technology into the identification of important seminal fluid proteins that influence female post-mating behavior.
BBC snip-it
I serve as a guest expert on an episode of the BBC Radio series “Naturalist Histories”, a podcast that discusses the impact of the natural world on our culture and society. In this episode I discuss the role cockroaches play in science fiction.
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Ithaca Voice Article
Insect Interviews received some local attention from The Ithaca Voice in an article titled “How Ithaca website pulls kids into the ‘fascinating world of insects’’ by Jeff Stein.
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Graduation Announcement
Thanks to my grandparents, my graduation from Cornell University made the Kansas City Hispanic News newspaper
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